Best dog walkers in Maryville

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Best dog walkers in Maryville

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Lindsey E avatar

1. Lindsey E

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Maryville, TN, 37801


Five stars

4.9 (435)

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Location icon

Maryville, TN, 37801

Lauren A avatar

2. Lauren A

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Knoxville, TN, 37922


Five stars

4.9 (438)

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Knoxville, TN, 37922

Eduard G avatar

3. Eduard G

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Alcoa, TN, 37701


Five stars

5 (0)

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Alcoa, TN, 37701

Kelly N avatar

4. Kelly N

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Eagleton Village, TN, 37804


Five stars

5 (1)

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Eagleton Village, TN, 37804

Gidget V avatar

5. Gidget V

Wag! Expert icon
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Maryville, TN, 37804


Five stars

4.9 (72)

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Maryville, TN, 37804

Alexis C avatar

6. Alexis C

Wag! Expert icon
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Louisville, TN, 37777


Five stars

4.8 (27)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·



Location icon

Louisville, TN, 37777

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Maryville?

Booking a local dog walker in Maryville, TN is easy with the Wag! app. Simply set your pup's preferences and location, then let the platform match you with the perfect dog walker near you. You can even track your dog's walk with the GPS map in the app and see a report card of your pup's playdate when they return home. Stress-free pet care is just a tap away, and dog walkers all over the Maryville, TN are waiting to give your pooch the attention they deserve.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Maryville



Everett Hills

Nestled in the center of the Everett Hills neighborhood is Everett Park, a beautiful green stretch with plenty of room for your pup to run and explore! To the west is Oldfield Park, a smaller area for a short stroll through some natural scenery. If walking ever makes you hungry, you can head on down to Full Service BBQ located on the western edge of the neighborhood.  This dog friendly picnic area is home to savory ribs, smoked sausage, pecan pie, and more!  Enjoy the great outdoors with a good meal in your hands.




Springbrook is a beautiful neighborhood with plenty to do. Named after the neighborhood itself, Springbrook Park is a lovely natural area with gorgeous scenic routes that are the perfect place to take your pooch for a daily stroll. Located just east is Hunt Field, a large, open space with plenty of room for your pup to run and let loose all that extra energy!  To the south is Alcoa Little League Park, complete with breathtaking walking trails and an active duck pond. Be sure to have your dog leashed at all times, as it is required at this park. You and your pup are sure to have a blast!



Tuckaleechee Pike/Rocky Branch

Tuckaleechee Pike/Rocky Branch is a friendly area with lovely scenery. Located along the southern edge of the neighborhood is Whites Mill Refuge, a wildlife watching area that comes complete with gorgeous views. Take your pup on a walk along the outer edge to enjoy this natural area to the fullest. Remember to keep your dog leashed, as wildlife is as pretty as it is unpredictable. If you’re coming from out of town, RT Lodge offers booking for pets of any size for a small fee. Enjoy the scenery and come back for a rest in your homely hotel room!




Sevierville is a gorgeous neighborhood with a friendly, outgoing community. Nestled in the center of the neighborhood is John Sevier Park, a lovely grassy stretch with plenty of room for your pup to run and let loose some of that puppy energy! If you head south, just off Saint Claire Lane is a small lake. This lake has a path that wraps all the way around it, allowing room for beautiful scenic walks while you admire the shimmering waters and natural atmosphere. Your pup is sure to have a blast exploring all these areas, and will never want to leave!




The neighborhood of Maryville is a beautiful area with an open community and easy access to the freeway. Located just east is the gorgeous Bicentennial Park, a scenic forested area that stretches upward as far as the eye can see. This area is kept lush by Pistol Creek and is home to a host of wildlife, as well as the infamous Maryville Greenway. This path winds through the most breathtaking areas of the park and offers countless trails that ensure a unique experience every time. Be sure to keep your pup leashed, as this park isn’t fenced in and there’s unpredictable wildlife about!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Maryville, TN?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Maryville, TN?


How long does a dog walk last in Maryville, TN?


How to book a dog walk in Maryville, TN?


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