Best dog walkers in Custer

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Best dog walkers in Custer

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1. Haleigh M

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Rapid City, SD, 57703


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Rapid City, SD, 57703

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Custer?

With GPS tracking, in-app chat, and photos of your dog's walk, the Wag! app is the perfect way to book a dog walk for your pup. Custer, SD dog walkers know your neighborhood and are experienced in keeping your dog safe while they sniff around the block. Whether your pup needs a quick 30-minute walk or a longer 1-hour adventure, dog walkers in Custer, SD are ready help. Booking through the Wag! app is easy — simply set up your dog's profile and browse local Caregivers in minutes.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Custer



South Custer

If your pooch wants a good leg workout, grab his leash and head over to the Custer Skywalk. Located in Big Rock Park, this short trail packs a mean punch. It is a combination of wooden stairs and a dirt path. The amazing panoramic views from the top will make the climb totally worth it. Although the hike is only .6 miles roundtrip, bring plenty of water for your pup. He’ll be thirsty after his workout. When you are finished, stop by Harbach Park. Stroll near the small creek, then settle in for a picnic. Don’t forget to bring a couple biscuits for your furry BFF. 



North Custer

Next time your pup needs a walk, check out the George S. Mickelson Trail. This 108 mile trail stretches across several South Dakota counties with a section cutting right through Custer. Follow the trail north of town for a great workout combined with amazing scenery. Your pup will love the ponderosa pines, open meadows, and rocky mountains. Five miles north of Custer on the trail will reveal a great view of the Crazy Horse Memorial, an under construction mountain monument commemorating Native Americans. Keep in mind the trail is multiuse, so keep your pal leashed and expect to see cyclists and horseback riders. 



West Custer

When in the Black Hills, a visit to the Custer State Park should be on the top of your To Do list. With gorgeous vistas of granite peaks and rolling hills, this 71,000 acre park will not disappoint. Fur-tunately, leashed dogs are allowed in the park. A variety of trails lets you and your pooch get up close and personal with the park’s beauty. Trails range from a mile to over 10 miles, so there is something for all levels of athletic ability. Your pup won’t be the only four legged critter in the area, as the park is home to bison, mountain lions, prairie dogs, and deer. 



Hill City

Drive 20 minutes north of Custer and you’ll come to Hill City. Your pup will feel right at home in this dog friendly town. Experience some Old World ambience right in the middle of South Dakota. The Alpine Inn, a hotel built in 1886, serves German delicacies like Schnitzel or Kaes Spaetzle. Your pooch can join you at one of the patio tables. Top your day off with a bit of culture. Well behaved leashed dogs can stroll through Warrior’s Work & Ben West Gallery and Dakota Nature and Art. Your four legged art connoisseur will love admiring the work of local artists.  



Hot Springs

If your pooch prefers shorter walks, but you still want to see the area’s natural beauty, head down to the Wind Caves National Park, just 20 minutes south of Custer in Hot Springs. The Park’s namesake attraction is Wind Cave. Although dogs are not allowed in the cave or on the back country trails, they are welcome to explore the Prairie Vista Nature Trail and the Elk Mountain Nature Trail. Both trails are about a mile long and provide pawsome views of the surrounding prairies, ponderosa pines and rolling hills. There is also a good chance you’ll see some wildlife.  Keep your eyes open for bison and prairie dogs. 

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Custer, SD?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Custer, SD?


How long does a dog walk last in Custer, SD?


How to book a dog walk in Custer, SD?


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