Best dog walkers in Estes Park

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Best dog walkers in Estes Park

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Olivia F avatar

1. Olivia F

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Estes Park, CO, 80517


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Estes Park, CO, 80517

Valerie S avatar

2. Valerie S

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Estes Park, CO, 80517


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Estes Park, CO, 80517

Lara O avatar

3. Lara O

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Estes Park, CO, 80517


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5 (4)

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Estes Park, CO, 80517

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Why book a dog walker in Estes Park?

Need a dog walker in a pinch? Vetted Pet Caregivers in the Estes Park, CO area are just a few taps away when you use the Wag! app to book a walk for your dog. Once you've found the "pawfect" dog walker near you, you can save your dog walker as a preferred Caregiver for easy booking the next time you need them. Estes Park, CO dog walkers are background checked by Wag! and rated by other local Pet Parents so you don't have to worry about your dog while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Estes Park



East Estes Park

East Estes Park is home to the Estes Park Dog Park which is a dream come true for dogs and people! In the summer, there is lake access at the dog park so your dog can stay cool in the heat and enjoy a good game of fetch in the water. There is also agility equipment at the park and separate fenced-in sections for dogs of different sizes and temperaments. You'll find plenty of shade and seating at the park where you can sit and relax while your dog has a blast playing with other dogs at this pawesome dog park.


Saint Vrain

If you're in the Estes Park area and looking for a beautiful dog-friendly hike, be sure to check out the Lilly Mountain hike. It is just seven miles south of Estes Park near Saint Vrain, and it is a two-mile (four-mile round-trip) hike that your dog is welcome to join you on if they are on a leash. This hike is considered to be of moderate difficulty, so keep that in mind before you add it to your list. If you're up for it, you will be rewarded with stunning views at the summit as well as several snifftastic wildflowers along the way that you and Fido will love.


South of Main

In just over half an hour, you can drive from Estes Park to Lyons, Colorado. Lyons has its very own dog park called Lyons Dog Park. This ten-acre park is a community staple, and the community takes great pride in keeping Lyons Dog Park well-maintained and clean so everyone can enjoy it. During your visit, you'll be rewarded with stunning views of the Rocky Mountains. There is also a sheltered area with benches and a water fountain to keep thirsty dogs hydrated. The park perimeter is mowed for humans to walk around easily, but there are areas with tall grass that your dog will love running through.



The Ceran Saint Vrain Trail is a breathtaking hiking spot just 45 minutes from Estes Park in the town of Ward, Colorado. Round-trip, this hike will take about four hours to complete, but if you choose to continue to the Miller Rock Summit where you will have incomparable views of the Rocky Mountain National Parks, it adds another hour. Dogs and horses are allowed to use this trail, and visitors love how much shade there is along the way so you and your pet won't overheat on hot days. During your hike, you'll also pass a river your dog will love to play in.


West Ward

In just shy of an hour, you can drive from Estes Park to west Ward, Colorado, where you'll find the Mitchell and Blues Lake Trail. This gorgeous hike takes between three to five hours to complete, and it is just over five miles long. During your hike, you and your dog will spot two major lakes as well as several other ponds and rivers. You have the option of taking many different trails that all provide you with excellent scenery during this hike. There are also camping spots along the way and even public toilets and drinking water which make this hike more enjoyable for everyone.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Estes Park, CO?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Estes Park, CO?


How long does a dog walk last in Estes Park, CO?


How to book a dog walk in Estes Park, CO?


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